IIM Is BACK and Ready To Rock!!

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With the pandemic fading into the rear view mirror, Immersed in Music is BACK, with big plans for the coming months! Some things have changed and will look different from 15 months ago, but many of our old favorites will return.

For instance. . . Our first offerings out of the gate will be two different weeks of Wade’s beloved Bucket Drumming Summer camp.

Dates: July 26-30 and/or August 9-13
Days: Monday through Friday
Time: 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Fee: $120 per camp
Location: 717 North 2nd Street, Harrisburg (right behind the YMCA)

And, as for the new . . . Wade, along with several IIM staff members, will be operating a series of “Tuesday Night Jam Sessions” in August (3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th) at the same location listed above. Wade will coordinate these jam nights with the various people who have expressed interest in a summer Rockers program, grouping players appropriately according to age and skill levels. These jam sessions will be offered at no cost.

Please contact Wade directly to enroll in any or all of these summer offerings.
Email: boxerdogjed@yahoo.com
Phone/text: 717-525-4334

Many more new (and old favorite) opportunities will be available beginning in September. We will be highlighting these in the coming weeks.

Stay tuned for all the fun stuff we have cooked up!!