Finishing Touches on September Schedule

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We are all hard at work sorting through the many details involved with reopening our Fall programs after a 16 month pause!

We’re checking equipment that has been in storage since we shut down and getting ready to reach out to families with all the details for the coming year. Camps have begun this week with Wade’s Bucket Drumming and everyone is having a great time!

We are really excited to be able to put into place many of the new ideas the staff has generated over these many months. To that end, the schedule for the band and class options is being finalized, production is underway on our brand new weekly IIM podcasts that are set to kick off, and we’re now generating some additional content for the IIM community.

SO. . .  Are you ready to rock, IIM students?? Tell your friends and fellow musicians to join us. The fun is just around the corner!

Oh, and don’t forget that spaces are still available for Wade’s second Bucket Drumming Summer Camp, happening the week of August 9-13. Those details are listed below:

Dates: August 9-13
Days:  Monday through Friday
Time:  9:00 – 11:30 AM
Fee:   $120 per camp
Location:  717 North 2nd Street, Harrisburg (right behind the YMCA)

Contact Wade directly if you are interested.


Phone/text: 717-525-4334